Orion Sports Club: Premier Boxing Gym in Kirkland, WA

When it comes to finding an effective workout that not only tones your muscles but also invigorates your spirit, boxing stands out as a top contender. In recent years, boxing for fitness has skyrocketed in popularity, and residents of Kirkland, WA, have eagerly jumped into the ring. If you're searching for a top-notch boxing gym in Kirkland, WA, look no further than Orion Sports Club.

The Boxing Boom

Boxing, once primarily seen as a competitive sport, has transformed into a sought-after fitness regimen for many. It's no surprise why: a typical boxing workout can burn anywhere from 500 to 1,000 calories in an hour. Beyond the calorie burn, boxing enhances cardiovascular health, improves total body strength, and sharpens reflexes. Additionally, it’s an excellent stress-reliever. Those heavy bag sessions? They're fantastic for letting out the day's frustrations.

Orion Sports Club: Kirkland's Boxing Haven

Located in the heart of the Totem Lake neighborhood, Orion Sports Club emerges as the prime destination for those keen to explore boxing. But what sets us apart as the best boxing gym in Kirkland, WA?

Expert Instructors: Every punch, jab, and hook is overseen by our seasoned trainers, ensuring that members get the most out of every session while practicing safe techniques.

Diverse Programs: Our classes cater to all, from beginners taking their first step into the boxing world to experienced fighters looking to refine their skills.

Community Spirit: Orion is not just a gym; it's a community. When you train with us, you're not just getting a workout; you're joining a family of like-minded individuals passionate about health and fitness.

Boxing in Kirkland and Beyond

While we pride ourselves on our boxing program, Orion Sports Club offers a plethora of other activities. From kickboxing and SAMBO to fitness classes and kids' soccer, there's something for everyone at our facility. But, our boxing classes remain a cornerstone of our offerings, reflecting the growing trend of boxing for fitness in the Kirkland community.

Stepping into the Ring

Are you ready to dive into the world of boxing? If you're in Kirkland, WA, or the surrounding areas, Orion Sports Club welcomes you to join our boxing community. Whether you're aiming to compete, improve your fitness, or pick up a new skill, our doors are open.

Experience the thrill of boxing in a supportive, energized environment. Sign up for a class, meet our coaches, and discover firsthand why we're recognized as the top boxing gym in Kirkland, WA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use my 90 minute credit for a 60 minute class?

Your credits will only be active for the type of class you purchased. For example, if you purchased a 60 minute 10 pack, you can only book classes that are 60 minutes. So, if you booked a 90 minute single class, or pack, you can only use it on 90 minute classes.

What happens to my credits if I do not use them in the allotted time?

All credits expire if not used in the time given. You will have to purchase new ones if you want to continue going to the class. For any extraordinary circumstances, you will have to speak to the trainer.

Do I have to reserve my spot if I bought a 5 or 10 pack of credits?

To guarantee there is room for you in the class we recommend reserving the class with your credits at least 48 hours in advance. For very popular classes, we recommend reserving them up to a week in advance.

What if I forget to book a class, can I just show up?

If the class did not fill up, walk-ins are welcome. You can check if there is space is available here.

Can I cancel the recurring unlimited monthly classes?

You can cancel anytime and finish the classes in the month you already paid for. Email us at info@orionsportsclub.com so we can cancel it for you, or come to the front desk at the club.

Have more questions?

Please feel free to call our facility in Kirkland at (425) 300-1964


Boxing is more than a sport; it's a journey of self-improvement, discipline, and empowerment. For residents in and around Kirkland, WA, the quest for the best boxing experience leads directly to Orion Sports Club. Dive into a workout that challenges, rewards, and inspires. We're ready when you are.

Jake Ni

Account executive at 1 Stop Link.


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